Partner Tanja M. Holecek Offers Training to the Cleveland Browns

On a sunny afternoon in early June, family law attorney Tanja Holecek arrives at the Cleveland Browns training facility in Berea, Ohio. For the past six years, Ron Brewer, director of player engagement for the team, has invited Holecek, a partner with Cleveland law firm Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan, to lead an educational session for rookie players, offering guidance and insight in all areas of family law.

Holecek is known for her legal workshops designed around the unique concerns of professional athletes. This time, her session is part of the Browns’ pre-season training. The talk focuses on the needs of rookie players and covers personal and family law concerns, especially relevant as they begin careers in the public eye. 

Topics of her talk included: 

  • Relational decision making; 

  • A legal overview and understanding of the rules;

  • Consequences and responsibilities of parenting; 

  • Child support (i.e., the process, financial obligations, etc.);

  • Real-life examples of common concerns; and

  • Avoiding lawsuits.

Holecek says it is an honor to be invited to support team members as they begin their careers. 

“I’ve been doing this for several years now, and this year’s rookie class is among the best,” says Holecek. “They were so engaged, so attentive and responsive, and they asked all the right questions. It was a great afternoon. You have to give a lot of credit to Ron (Brewer) and the Browns organization for providing this level of training, this deeper level of information. The organization really does a great job in surrounding their players with what they need to be successful – not just on the field, but in life. It’s wonderful to see and to be a part of.” 

Tanja Holecek heads the family law practice at the Cleveland law firm Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan. She provides personalized, compassionate assistance and guidance in premarital and post-marital issues, including divorce, dissolution, child support and spousal support, and other sensitive family law matters. She also has deep experience in cases involving children’s issues, including child support, custody, and visitation matters for unwed parents.


Scott Sumner